fabric yarn notions

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I used to scoff at people who sought out organic clothing, even though I’m a firm believer in organic foods. But what I’ve since learned is that cotton fields are typically heavily treated with pesticides, which can’t be good for either humans or pets (or the environment). I not only encourage you to make your own cat toys, but I encourage you to use only organic materials.

Organic felting kit for decorative balls

Organic felting kit for decorative balls

by Magic Forest Shop

Felt balls for crafting can be purchased ready made, just be sure to look for organic. Not many have plant-based dyes, so if you’d like vibrant colors, try this DIY kit. It comes with 100% organic wool, felting soap and instructions.

Available on Amazon
Organic wool felt

Organic wool felt

by Magic Forest Shop

This 100% organic wool felt comes in pastels or vibrant colors—all plant-dyed, phew! Fun to work with.

Available on Amazon
Organic cotton yarns

Organic cotton yarns

by Classic Elite

As with all things dyed, I worry what the dye means for cats, humans and the planet. If you look for the environmentally-friendly lines of Classic Elite (Sprout, Sandpiper, and Seedling), I believe it is the best we can do.

Available on Amazon
Organic cotton fabrics

Organic cotton fabrics

by Birch Organic Fabrics

Fun prints and durable fabrics for cat toys!

Available on Fabric
Organic cotton balls

Organic cotton balls

by Hobbs

It would be silly to try to stuff a pillow with these (facial!) cotton puffs, but unless you’re making dozens of cat toys, just a few balls are needed for each project. I always seem to be left with a bag of fill after any project. At least with these, they end up in the bathroom vanity and get fully used up!

Available on Amazon